Transition Path Theory : msmbuilder.tpt

Functions for performing Transition Path Theory calculations.

Path Finding

find_top_paths(sources, sinks, tprob[, ...]) Calls the Dijkstra algorithm to find the top ‘NumPaths’.
Dijkstra(sources, sinks, net_flux) A modified Dijkstra algorithm that dynamically computes the cost
find_path_bottleneck(path, net_flux) Simply finds the bottleneck along a path.
calculate_fluxes(sources, sinks, tprob[, ...]) Compute the transition path theory flux matrix.
calculate_net_fluxes(sources, sinks, tprob) Computes the transition path theory net flux matrix.

MFPT & Committor Finding Functions

calculate_ensemble_mfpt(sources, sinks, ...) Calculates the average ‘Folding Time’ of an MSM defined by T and a LagTime.
calculate_avg_TP_time(sources, sinks, tprob, ...) Calculates the Average Transition Path Time for MSM with: T, LagTime.
calculate_mfpt(sinks, tprob[, lag_time]) Gets the Mean First Passage Time (MFPT) for all states to a set
calculate_all_to_all_mfpt(tprob[, populations]) Calculate the all-states by all-state matrix of mean first passage times.
calculate_committors(sources, sinks, tprob) Get the forward committors of the reaction sources -> sinks.