MSM Analysis: msmbuilder.msm_analysis

Functions for querying markov state models


Some functionality was moved to this module from MSMLib in version 2.6

Model Queries

sample(transition_matrix, state, steps[, ...]) Generate a random sequence of states by propogating a transition matrix.
propagate_model(transition_matrix, n_steps, ...) Propogate the time evolution of a population vector.
get_eigenvectors(t_matrix, n_eigs[, ...]) Get the left eigenvectors of a transition matrix, sorted by eigenvalue
get_implied_timescales(assignments_fn, lag_times) Calculate implied timescales in parallel using multiprocessing library.
project_observable_onto_transition_matrix(...) Projects an observable vector onto a probability transition matrix’s eigenmodes.
calc_expectation_timeseries(tprob, observable) Calculates the expectation value over time <A(t)> for some observable


flatten(*args) Return a generator for a flattened form of all arguments
is_transition_matrix(t_matrix[, epsilon]) Check for row normalization of a matrix
are_all_dimensions_same(*args) Are all the supplied arguments the same size
check_transition(t_matrix[, epsilon]) Ensure that matrix is a row normalized stochastic matrix
check_dimensions(*args) Ensure that all the dimensions of the inputs are identical
check_for_bad_eigenvalues(eigenvalues[, ...]) Ensure that all eigenvalues are less than or equal to one